Saturday, May 17, 2008

Meeting Patrick - Day 6

Saturday was a restful day. Dave and I went to the village in the morning, where we came upon a few market stalls set up in the main square. The main one of these sold lovely fresh fish including large plump trout fillets, olerons (known to us as oysters), fresh sardines and several other varieties of fish. Walking back we heard the cackling call of a corncrake, one of the many species of wild birds which can be heard in the area.

The afternoon was spent in general routine chores punctuated by the arrival of another of Paul's friends and neighbours, Patrick whom Paul invited to dinner. An evening of good food, cross-table quips and celtic songs was to follow. The heat of the day had typically built up into an "orage" or heat storm, of which we were to experience many during out stay. These were dramatic affairs of sky wrenching lightning, loud peels of thunder and torrential rains.

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